photos with love and respect

I was raised on the coast of Maine, on Wabanaki and Abanaki Land. Much of my time was spent playing/learning from the tidal pools and forests near me.
My work around and in the Salish Sea reflects my deep appreciation for habitats that are thriving. They are in stark contrast to so much of what I personally and we as a culture see in our everyday life. It is my belief that without a point of reference, it is challenging to explain what the natural world can teach us. As we rebuild our relationships with our surroundings it is important to constantly find inspiration through direct contact with nature.
I received an undergraduate degree from UC Berkely and a graduate degree from Hunter College. My first book, Family: A Celebration was a collaboration with Margaret Campbell. The story telling of diverse families launched my career photographing real people to tell multiple stories. Some times this work was in advertising, stretching the boundaries of how women and families were represented. I also worked not-for-profit Identity Development. My second book created in collaboration with the Artist Marita Dingus Mommy's House
This year Marita Dingus and I published Marita Dingus about Marita Dingus’s sculptures which are made from discarded materials to tell the stories of black people. This collaboration is in part funded by 4ACulture Grant in King County, Washington State.
Click above where it reads Marita Dingus Mommy's House to learn more and buy the book.
I am an activist has committed to Equity and healing the planet. My experience includes anti-fracking activism and working toward desegregation in NYC Public Schools. I have a deep love and respect for our physical world and the creatures that inhabit it.

I use my camera as a way to slow down, listen and connect with what is in front of me so that I can focus, learn and share.
Witness: 8864
joan beard statement
My photographic Work and spiritual practice is to witness people and places. I share their stories with others.
We are part of nature and Nature is Part of us.
My intimate photographs of the textures of nature bears witness to the beauty, wonder and mystery of the natural world.
Healing will come more easily when we connect with our surroundings and bear witness to their stories.
I photograph real people, Intimate moments and authentic connections.
By taking the time to let my subjects relax and be truly seen, their stories unfold and a moment in time is captured in photographic images. My photo commisions can be found at mainelyportraits.com Click on the image to get there.
Meet me in Seattle and NYC .
What my clients say:
Joan brings a unique realism and authenticity to her work. She has a process of working with her subjects that allows her to capture honesty through spontanaeity. This makes her work believable and allows an audience to really connect with her photographs. The campaign my agency did with her was extremely successful. The photographs were unique, attention-getting and moving.
Susan Sacks, Senior Creative
Joan brings a unique realism and authenticity to her work. She has a process of working with her subjects that allows her to capture honesty through spontanaeity. This makes her work believable and allows an audience to really connect with her photographs. The campaign my agency did with her was extremely successful. The photographs were unique, attention-getting and moving.
Jaime Belden, Creative Director
I went to Joan Beard for professional head shots and they are great. She was very helpful in planning the shoot, and calm and warm behind the camera, making a situation I expected to be awkward comfortable. She was brilliant in capturing and selecting images of me that represent how I perceive myself. That's very rare for me. I can't recommend her work too highly.
Jeanne Bergman