
direct revelation 2025

SlipStitch Studio, Seattle WA March 6th - 29th


Direct Revelation is a group of photographs that document my intimate and tactile relationship with nature. While creating this body of work, I reawakened my deep sense of belonging to the earth— forged in childhood, clambering across rocks, gazing into tidal pools alive with periwinkles and coralline algae. I sought out thriving eco systems with mixed results as the planet is clearly overwhelmed by our human footprint.

Places that are loved and where humans collaborate with nature provide hope for the future. We all can contribute to this care as we spend more time communing with nature. These photographs are a meditation about our interconnectedness, and an invitation to remember that we are part of nature, and nature is part of us.

What is our role in nurturing a more harmonious relationship with the world around us? Come by and write yourself a postcard sharing your ideas of how you will contribute.